So Deya turned 2 a couple of weeks ago.
The celebration included a trip to a cottage and visits to Oma and Opa in Ottawa.
Ottawa is a beutiful city, especially the country/valley just outside of Ottawa.
I think back to a job I passed on a few years back in Ottawa. At the time, it was a great offer... good money, good people, all the perks... yadda yadda. I forgot why I didn't end up going for that job, but it would have been really amazing to offer D's grandparents the chance to see her more than they do.
Anyhoo, I just started writing this because I love it when I walk thru the door and Deya yells "Daddy!!" I wish everyone I know could experience that sensation.
On another note... she is going thru a Diego phase. Can't get enough of the lil' animal rescue-er.